Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rain + Night Time = Dangerous

It was just after my Add Maths tuition when the sky changed. Two hours ago, there's still sunshine and everything seemed fine.

After the class , Jonathan asked me to follow him to the pasar malam nearby. Alright , bring him there on bike without helmet. =.=

Soon ,the sky became so dark , it was so sudden. I had to abandon my plan to go 'jalan-jalan' with him because I need to rush back home. As soon as I start my motor, it began raining cats and dogs !

Arh crap, after travelling for a distance of 500 metres , I am all wet. Luckily I kept my handphone and wallet in my bag.

Visibility reduced greatly. I could barely see the road. As I am wearing glasses , I can't ride without a visor. My glasses will be full of water and the water droplets hitting my face are extremely painful. So, no choice , I had to put on my visor and continue driving. It's so dark, I think I could only see 5 metres ahead of me.

The road was chaotic. Other motorists are rushing their way home. Water splashing everywhere. If I had not keep my phone and wallet, I think all my belongings were already wet and damaged.

Worst of all , the road lights were not on !!! The road is so dark. I can only depend on my bike's headlight. Damn, it's really freezing that time.

Alright , as I am riding at the road outside my neighbourhood , I could not see anything. It's so dark. I could only see the reflection of other vehicle's light on the surface of the road.

 Dang ! Disaster strike ! I couldn't follow the guide lines beside the road. My motor went off course. Immediately, my bike went out of control. The back of my bike was sliding and the whole bike was shaking vigorously.

Luckily God is with me , protecting me at that time. If it was not because of Him , I wouldn't be sitting in my room , typing this blog post. I could had been in the hospital or even worst, KO...

As I am typing this post , I still feel traumatized by the incident just now. I tell myself that I won't ride on bike during rainy day. Especially when it is night time. Anything can just happen.

My advice is try not to sit motor during rainy days especially at night time. If you have no choice , please drive slowly and carefully. It doesn't matter if you are all wet , the most important thing is you are safe and sound.

Hope that you guys gained something from my post. Thanks for reading .

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